
Cuvée Rosso 2022

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  0,75 lt  |    1,5 lt  |    3,0 lt  |  
Vine variety: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Lagrein => this selection is a vintage cuvèe and contains  about 5 % dried grapes (dried on the vine).

Description: This red wine cuvèe convinces by its versatility in aroma and palat. The aroma reminds one of forest fruits and dried plums and is lightly supported by wood. It is distinguished by its  full and elegant palat and its balance. It is a  structured red wine for discerning epicures. 

Position: Our grapes from different locations: the villages Caldaro, Termeno, Cortaccia and Laives. 224m - 300m sea level.

Land: The land goes from loam to deep porphyry.

Harvest: Various harvest times between the end of September and the beginning to middle of October (=  dried grape harvest) because of the different locations. The Amistar concept requires a minimum of 19.0° KLM. 

Yield: Approx. 50hl/ha.

Development: Mechanical removal of the stems, traditional mash fermentation in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperature. Juice extraction of about 30 % in order to obtain an extreme ratio  between juice and skins. That is, more skins and much less must in order to guarantee an ideal maceration or extraction respectively for the Amistar concept. When fermentation is completed the wine is extracted from the marc, all batches of each variety are then assembled in the available quantity parts of the vintage (no system assembly!!) and then stored in barrique casks for biological acid degradation for 1-2 years.

Shelf life: From 10 to 15 years and longer, depending on the storage situation.

Serving temperature: 18 °C 

Food recommendation: This red wine cuvèe is suitable for discerning dishes such as grilled filet, ox cheeks, roasts in general, also to ripe hard cheese (recommendation: raw cow's milk cheese "Grotte") and particularly also for spicy dishes. We also recommend trying Amistar rosso with special dark chocolate (e.g. from Amedei CHUAO with 70 % cocao).

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  0,75 lt  |    1,5 lt  |    3,0 lt  |