
Cuvèe Bianco 2022

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  1,5 lt  |  
Vine variety: 80 % Chardonnay 20% Sauvignon blanc,  => this selection is a vintage cuvèe and the Chardonnay matures for 10 months in french oak and Sauvignon blanc has to develop on the fine yeasts in stainless steel or big wooden vats for the same time.

Description: This is a special white wine cuvèe with an intense aroma and palette. The aroma reminds one of exotic fruits and is supported by wood. When drunk we find a versatility between minerals and body and continuing structure.

Position: Grapes from several locations between 224 and 600 m altitude. Chardonnay from Sparapan vineyard in Kaltern on the lake and the Sauvigon blanc on the slope from Appiano Monte.

Land: The land goes from sandy to stony chalk land.

Harvest: Various harvest times between the end of September and the beginning to middle of October (= dried grape harvest) because of the different locations. The Amistar concept requires a minimum of 19.0° KLM.

Yield: Approx. 50hl/ha.

Development: White wine pressing. Depending on the variety and ripeness, a short standing period is carried out after mechanical removal of the stems (maceration). Then the mash is pressed and the must is left to stand in a stainless steel tank for natural clarification for one day. „Stabulation“ (approx. 4 -6 days must standing at approx. 5°C) in those stainless steel tanks.With this cuvèe the must is first of all separated into individual varieties, Chardonnay in barriques and Sauvignon in stainless stell, fermented at controlled and, in particular, cool temperature. After fermentation is completed the individual quantities of the various wines are reassembled and stored until maturity on the fine yeast for 10 months.

Shelf like: 5 to 10 years.

Serving temperature: 12 - 14 °C recommendation > decanting.

Food recommendation: It is very important that this white wine cuvèe is only served with certain dishes. It is very suitable for Asian dishes, and particularly also for spicy dishes and for tasty or intensive fish antipasti respectively. We particularly recommend a combination with goat's chees or in particular to a Robiola (Tree Latti goat-sheep-cow cheese ) with a little fig mustard.

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  1,5 lt  |